Israel reels from shock Hamas attack and warns of a long, difficult war


Israel reels from shock Hamas attack and warns of a long, difficult war.


On May 10, 2021, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, launched a massive rocket attack on Israel. The attack, which came in retaliation for Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, was the largest rocket barrage from Gaza since the 2014 war.

The attack caught Israel by surprise and caused widespread damage and panic. Over 1,500 rockets were fired from Gaza, hitting cities and towns across Israel, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Seven people were killed in Israel, and hundreds more were injured.

The Israeli military responded with airstrikes on Gaza, targeting Hamas military sites and infrastructure. The airstrikes killed dozens of Palestinians, including civilians.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has been ongoing for decades, but the recent violence has been the worst in years. The two sides have traded blame for the escalation, and there is no end to the fighting in sight.

Israel reels from shock Hamas attack.

The Hamas rocket attack on May 10 was a major shock to Israel. Israelis have become accustomed to living under the threat of rocket fire from Gaza, but the scale and intensity of the recent attack was unprecedented.

The rockets hit cities and towns across Israel, causing widespread damage and panic. People were forced to flee their homes and take shelter in bomb shelters. Schools and businesses were closed.

The attack also had a significant psychological impact on Israelis. Many people were traumatized by the experience, and there was a growing sense of fear and insecurity.

Israel warns of a long, difficult war

The Israeli government has warned that the conflict with Hamas could be a long and difficult one. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel is "prepared for a long campaign" and that it will not stop until Hamas "is completely disarmed."

The Israeli military has said that it is targeting Hamas military sites and infrastructure, but civilians have also been killed in the airstrikes. The United Nations has called for an immediate end to the violence, but both sides have refused to back down.

The international community reacts

The international community has expressed concern over the violence in Israel and Gaza. The United States, the United Nations, and other countries have called for a cease-fire, but their calls have gone unanswered.

The United States has also said that it will continue to provide Israel with military aid, despite concerns that the aid could be used to commit war crimes.

The impact of the conflict

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is having a devastating impact on both sides. Hundreds of people have been killed, and thousands more have been displaced from their homes.

The conflict is also having a significant economic impact. The Israeli economy is expected to shrink by 1% in 2021, and the Palestinian economy is expected to shrink by 4%.

The conflict is also having a negative impact on the peace process. The two sides have been unable to reach an agreement on a two-state solution, and the recent violence has only made the situation more difficult.


The conflict between Israel and Hamas is a complex and long-standing one. There is no easy solution, and the recent violence is only a reminder of the high stakes involved.

The international community has a responsibility to help find a peaceful solution to the conflict. However, it is clear that both sides will need to make concessions in order to achieve a lasting peace.

Additional information

In addition to the information provided in the article, here are some additional facts and figures about the conflict between Israel and Hamas:

  • The conflict between Israel and Hamas has been ongoing for over 70 years.
  • The conflict has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinian.
  • The conflict has also caused widespread damage to property and infrastructure.
  • The conflict has had a significant impact on the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians.
  • The conflict is a major obstacle to peace in the Middle East.


The conflict between Israel and Hamas is a complex and long-standing one. There is no easy solution, and the recent violence is only a reminder of the high stakes involved.

The international community
